The Ultimate Guide to Hiring a Designer for your clothing line: Everything you need to know.

Are you an entrepreneur looking to create your own clothing line? Or perhaps your brand is well-established and it is time to take things up a notch. Simply need help bringing your vision to life? Hiring a designer may be the game-changing solution you need. In this ultimate guide, we'll cover everything you need to know about hiring a designer for your clothing line.

Why Hiring a Fashion Designer is Important for your Clothing Brand:

Having a fashion designer is a vital ingredient in the success of any clothing line. As a business owner, you already have a lot on your plate. However, it's worth noting that fashion designers undergo professional training in school, and it takes several years of experience to hone their craft and become truly talented in their field.

Fashion designers bring creativity and technical expertise to the design process, ensuring that your vision is translated into a quality product. A designer can help you establish a cohesive brand identity and streamline the design process for you, which in turn saves time and money. Without a skilled designer, your clothing line may lack the professional polish necessary or the unique touch that could otherwise differentiate your brand in the crowded market.

Define Your Goals:

Before you start searching for a designer, you need to define your goals. Consider a few things:

What is your budget? Do you need help with fabric sourcing? Do you want a designer who can also help with managing the product lifecycle? Do you want to be hands-on or allow the designer to take creative direction? Would you prefer a designer who is local? These factors would depend on a designer’s skill level.

Entry-level designers may require more supervising, and provide a lower cost service, while an experienced designer can essentially become your brand’s creative director and would consequentially require higher pay.


An entry-level fashion designer may cost anywhere between $15 - $25/hr

A mid-level fashion designer may cost between $25 - $40/hr

A senior fashion designer may cost up to $80+/hr

Understand that due to the complexities in the design and product development process, you may need to also hire a patternmaker (anywhere between $65 - $850/garment) and potentially even a technical designer to help get the perfect fit ($25+/hr).

Warning: Exercise caution when considering hiring fashion designers from low-cost freelance platforms to create a tech pack for $20, unless you are willing to waste your money. Creating a tech pack requires meticulous attention to detail, and any competent freelance fashion designer would typically charge between $20 to $150 per hour for their services.

At The Anti Crisis, we value transparency and upfront pricing. We offer all-inclusive upfront pricing for your entire product development and fashion design needs that are extremely competitive. We welcome projects of all sizes- from one killer garment to full collections.

Research Designers:

Once you've defined your goals, it's time to start researching designers. LinkedIn can be great for discovering local talent, while UpWork can be a robust starting point for national & global talent. If you are in the Austin or Atlanta area, consider working with our fashion designers and clothing production pros at The Anti Crisis.

When searching for a fashion designer, it's important to evaluate their experience and qualifications. Look for a designer with a strong portfolio, and ask about their experience with design software such as Adobe Illustrator and their familiarity with the production process. A designer with experience in both creative design and production will be able to guide your clothing line from concept to completion.

Bonus points for finding a designer who specializes in your niche. Some designers are well-versed in multiple disciplines and feel comfortable switching between niches, while others prefer to stay in their area of expertise (sweaters, denim, activewear, etc). Communicate your vision with your potential designer to see how their skills align with your vision.

Keep in mind, a professionally trained fashion designer knows how to create tech packs, which your brand may require if you are sending your production overseas.

Set Up Interviews:

Once you've narrowed down your list of potential designers, set up interviews to get to know them better.

Remember: You need to be clear about your project’s parameters prior to interviews.

It is important to consider if you need a designer to only create tech packs for you or assist with the entire product development to the production process.

Understand that having your designer manage the entire product lifecycle is a role only a highly skilled fashion designer can complete. Consider if you need assistance with sourcing materials, patternmaking or even making prints and graphics.

Some key questions to ask include:

  • What is your experience in the fashion industry?

  • How did you get into fashion design?

  • What inspires you as a designer?

  • Can you walk me through your design process?

  • How long do you think this project will take you to complete?

Set Expectations:

It's important to establish clear expectations before starting work with your designer. This includes defining the scope of the project, outlining timelines, and payment terms. Open communication is essential throughout the process to ensure that both you and the designer are aligned on your vision for the project.

Do you want to have weekly check-ins with your designer? Prefer to keep your designs top secret until they launch? Consider providing a contract that lays out all expectations and helps ensure that everyone is on the same page.


Once you have hired your designer, it's time to bring your vision to life! Work closely with them, providing feedback while also trusting their expertise. Remember, a talented designer can help elevate your brand to new heights- this is the exciting part!

This is also an excellent opportunity to focus on other aspects of your business, like marketing or content strategy, now that you have an extra set of hands on board.

In conclusion:

Hiring a designer can make a significant difference in your clothing line's success. By carefully selecting the right designer, setting clear expectations, and collaborating with them, you can ensure that your clothing line reflects your vision.

Building a great working relationship with your designer can also be beneficial for future product launches, such as seeking their input on trend forecasting or identifying potential gaps in your product line.

If you are seeking a talented designer in the Atlanta or Austin area, consider working with our team at The Anti Crisis. We can handle all of your design needs, stress-free and within your allotted timeline and budget! Contact us today to learn more about The Anti Crisis design and production solutions for your clothing brand.


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